Lethal Company Monsters

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Lethal Company introduces a roster of creatures that range from slightly annoying to downright terrifying. Each monster presents a unique challenge, requiring players to adapt their strategies to survive and meet their quotas in this treacherous environment.

Key Adversaries and Survival Tactics

Baboon Hawk: These creatures target players carrying valuable loot. Dropping your items can distract them, allowing for a quick escape or an opportunity to counter-attack with available weapons. They’re more active in the evening, forming larger groups.

Bracken: Encountered indoors, the Bracken thrives on surprise. Avoid direct eye contact to prevent it from charging, and use a Zap Gun to stun it for a follow-up attack. Its presence is often signaled by distinctive room types and a shift in ambient sounds.

Bunker Spider: These spiders create webs that alert other monsters to your location. Destroying the webs or using weapons directly against the spiders is the best way to handle them, ensuring a quieter passage through indoor areas.

Circuit Bees: While not immediately lethal, Circuit Bees pose a persistent threat outdoors. Running is the best strategy, as there’s currently no way to eliminate them. However, collecting empty hives can be profitable, albeit risky.

Coil-Head: The Coil-Head demands constant visual contact to prevent it from moving. They’re immune to damage, making escape the only viable option. Stun grenades can provide a temporary respite, allowing for a strategic retreat.

Earth Leviathan: This giant worm-like creature signals its approach with a deep rumble. Dropping heavy items to increase your speed is crucial, as these creatures are invincible and can instantly end your expedition.

Eyeless Dog: Relying on their acute hearing, these dogs can be avoided by moving silently. They pose a medium threat outdoors but can be neutralized with conventional weapons if necessary.

Forest Keeper: Towering and vigilant, Forest Keepers cannot be killed. Breaking their line of sight by hiding or using distractions like Laser Pointers or Stun Grenades is essential for outdoor survival.

Ghost Girl: Encountering the Ghost Girl means imminent danger. She haunts players with eerie sounds and can only be escaped by running, making her one of the most dreaded entities in Lethal Company.

Hoarding Bug: Mostly harmless, these bugs gather scrap in piles and only become aggressive if their hoards are threatened. They can easily be dispatched with any weapon, making them one of the less threatening foes.

Surviving Lethal Company requires more than just courage; it demands cunning, stealth, and a willingness to use every tool at your disposal. With these strategies, facing the horrors that await becomes a test of wit and resilience.

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